Complete and submit the registration form below to book your spot for this premium event. Registration is free but space is limited so be sure to book your spot now.
Discover proven, results-driven strategies to generate leads and then convert them to sales.
Topics that will be covered include:
- What has changed in the world of sales and why.
- What is the preferred lead generation platform for business owners.
- What makes up an optimized lead-generating strategy.
- How to generate leads using the digital world.
- How to convert your leads to sales.
- Uncovering what is really happening to those valuable leads.
- How to ensure follow-through from inception to close.
What you will discover are proven and tested strategies that consistently generate connections, leads, and clients as well as how to manage the teams closing performance with those valuable leads.
After submitting the form below, you will receive an email with the login information for the event that will be held on Wednesday 29th September 2021 at 11 amĀ (Johannesburg, South Africa time).
All attendees get rewarded for their time and you will walk away with valuable information on growing your lead generation activities on LinkedIn and generating sales from those leads.